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There’s no doubt about it, being able to provide virtual-sell in opportunities to your buyers has become mission critical for your brand's sell-in strategy. Envoy B2B’s Virtual Showroom has 7 amazing features that are essential components for brands looking to successfully deliver virtual sell-in events.

Learning how to execute and launch a virtual showroom can make all the difference in your sell-in season this year. Not only do Virtual Showrooms give your retailer everything they would have received at a tradeshow or conference, but they also provide a more dynamic, personalized, easy-to-use virtual environment. 

But what exactly is included in a Virtual Showroom?

Let's take a look at the features that a Virtual Showroom brings to the table and how they set your brand and your sales reps up for success.


Interactive Experiences

animation Shoe

Think a virtual experience is less hands-on than an in-person meeting? Think again. 

Virtual Showrooms bring new ways to interact with your retailers. Now seeing the product is just the tip of the iceberg. Engage your reps and retailers with an interactive experience that highlights what makes your brands unique and your products special.

From digital lookbooks and product presentations to interactive product imagery, your buyers will have access to view the product like it was already in front of them. 


Hotspot Image

Allow your retailers to take a deep dive into your products by enabling Hotspots on your images. These Hotspots provide your users with more product details directly from any image that’s uploaded. Bonus - Hotspots are shoppable! 

EZ Templates and Advanced Mode


showroom add content

Envoy B2B’s Virtual Showroom makes designing easy, no web design skills needed. Instead, you can use our easy, flexible pre-built templates to build pages right in Envoy B2B. If we don’t have the template you want, no problem! You’ll can insert your own HTML5 to customize your Showroom to fit your brand. 

Whether you choose to go with existing template route or insert your own, you’ll have the customized pages your brand needs to stand out.




Go hands-off and set up Showroom to publish different featured content as your season progresses. With an easy-to-use interface, creating publishing windows is a clear and painless process each step of the way. 



Showrooms analytics

What good is data if you’re unable to use it? 

Virtual Showroom puts the beneficial data right at your fingertips. See what your buyers are viewing and downloading win Showroom in real-time.  Then use these insights into buyer activity to make adjustments and crush your season.



Download catalog

In today’s day and age, retailers expect access to a brand's assets on their own time. Envoy B2B makes that possible with an easy-to-use content dashboard. 

No more digging around for the last catalog, co-op marketing materials, or brand story. Everything is in one central location where you can share content on dashboards to existing and new buyers. Plus, all content and assets in the Virtual Showroom can be easily downloaded by the user!

Powerful catalog browsing and searching



Virtual Showroom gives users have the ability to search for what they want, when they want it, without flipping through countless catalog pages. Catalogs in Virtual Showroom are searchable by keyword or product number, or by using customizable filters like gender, color, category, and more. They can even be exported in popular formats to save and share with others!

Download the 2021 Retailer's Challenge Report here!

Start Crushing Your Sell-In

Launching a Virtual Showroom is critical to your success as a brand this season and beyond. Aside from being an engaging and educational landing spot for reps and retailers, it’s a destination to have constant access to your brand and assets. To start crushing your sell-in this season, get started by clicking here to download our step-by-step guide on how to bring your event virtual at sell-in