In recent years, the options available for brands looking to adopt a wholesale eCommerce B2B platform have diminished. Many providers have merged or been acquired by companies outside of their areas of expertise. As these mergers and acquisitions settle, business models and monetization goals shift, leaving many brands suddenly stuck on a platform that isn’t serving them how it should.
The outdoor industry runs on relationships. It runs on people making connections over shared passions and working together for mutual success. When brands find themselves suddenly stuck on a B2B platform that no longer keeps them connected to their retailers, and instead has monetized the brand, it’s – to put it mildly – problematic.
This makes choosing the right B2B a make-or-break decision affecting a brand’s ability to connect with retailers and grow their bottom line. As the options diminish, and the revenue streams increasingly shift away from a brand’s actual business needs, Envoy B2B stands above the crowd.
The Human Touch
Our industry craves the human touch. There is a sense of fulfillment we find in the relationships we form with our business associates who share our passion for the outdoors. Those relationships are the keys to our success, and technology will never completely fill that gap.
But, technology used properly can elevate your brand.
Retailers carry your product because they love your brand. They want to touch and feel that product. They want to be educated about your brand and your values to create a personal experience that builds a deeper connection. They want to have a valuable relationship with a rep who understands them and their store.
We get it. So, we deliver tools that support your efforts, help grow your wholesale channels, and then we get out of the way. We carefully design our systems to support and grow those mutually beneficial relationships, instead of replacing them with transactional tools or objectives that take a brand's retailers and turn them into Envoy’s retailers for our own objectives.
Envoy B2B was built to create opportunities to interact with, and support, your retailers. Our obsession is helping your retailers fall in love with your brand, not Envoy B2B. We are the B2B tool with the human touch.
The Right People
Envoy B2B came to life 8 years ago when a group of people looked at the outdoor footwear, apparel, and accessories industries and saw a need. Brands needed easy to use software that supported their growth efforts, fostered strong connections, increased their order volume, and ultimately got out of the way of their ability to do business.
So, we built it. Since that time we’ve grown by leaps and bounds, adding unique innovations to support brands as their needs grew.
We built a world-class photography team, because we recognized that brands can’t sell what they can’t show. Now we have a robust set of product photography options for brands to harness when they’re crafting their seasonal go-to-market strategies.
We implemented a Customer Success team, because we saw that brands were struggling to onboard and effectively utilize their new tools. Brands can rely on our years of expertise for implementation, onboarding and education instead of having to sink resources into building their own team.
We also have years of industry experience. That means tens of thousands of conversations with brands, retailers, reps, and industry peers. That means countless hours of research and insights into best practices. That means a piece of software built unlike any other, that puts the needs of its users first.
The Last Of The Independents
Over the last few years, we have been witness to a slew of changes in the B2B landscape. Mergers, acquisitions, and changes in direction have led to many brands being stuck with a provider that is no longer interested in nurturing their growth in the way they once did.
Now, many brands are up a creek without a paddle. They’ve suddenly been forced away from doing business with a provider who understands their goals and shares their values. It becomes a slow down in innovation, and a strategy that leans more towards the parent company than the needs of the user. Envoy B2B is different.
When we built Envoy B2B, we worked hand-in-hand with our brands, talked to thousands of reps and retailers, and kept our finger on the pulse of the industry. This has allowed us to build software designed from the ground up with heavy input from the people who use it regularly.
We may not have designed our platform alone, but we built it on our own. Free of pressure from outside influences, we are still able to craft tools with that singular goal of enabling brands to connect with retailers, build relationships, and spark growth – season after season.

Your Brand Matters
In the end, we are not in a B2B battle with our competitors. Our focus isn’t our success, it’s the success of the brands and retailers we work with everyday. We’re not in a race to collect the most retailers; we’re looking to help ensure the happiness and fulfillment of the retailers and brands who come together through our platform.
We succeed when you succeed. We built the best possible software for our users to connect, learn, and grow together. With years of industry experience, an innovative team, and a passionate, independent mindset, we continue to focus on crafting a best-in-class wholesale eCommerce B2B experience for your brand.