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Introducing V18, the latest quarterly release from Envoy B2B.  This release brings huge improvements to Showrooms, new PayNow features, and a best-in-class evolution of Assortments, along with a slew of new features and enhancements.  Read on to see all the changes.

Quickly create an order from recently ordered products

Envoy has simplified the order workflow for replenishment orders. Increase the speed of sale by using the orders button on the header and viewing recently ordered products. This will navigate you to the catalog with just those products displaying. Add to order and submit.

Include inventory on UPC export

You now have the ability to include inventory on your UPC exports. View ATS, ATP, and ATP dates next to all the usual UPC information.

More filter options on the catalog

Last release we moved the catalog filter to be viewable at all times, and now we're adding even more filters. A size filter with multi-select checkboxes, and a price filter that utilizes a price slider. Quickly view the products that matter to you.

For the sales reps and internal users…

Create a custom assortment experience

Sales reps continue to utilize assortments as a primary means to share custom lists of products with retailers, that’s why we’ve created greater customization options. We’ve expanded the assortment functionality to allow sales reps to build custom assortment experiences that are shared as a campaign.

Assortments now contain three unique experiences:

  • Learn: The new learn experience allows you to create an in-platform presentation. Add products and upload your own marketing images to create a unique story
  • View Products: The view products experience puts the user in our friendly modern shopping experience.. Easily add products to the cart and make into an order. Also, download the assortment PDF and XLS files.
  • Assortment Cart: The assortment now has its own cart. Reps can build and visually merchandise a cart before sharing it with their accounts. Enables buyers to merchandise the best order for their store.


New assets dashboard

Now that sales reps have the ability to upload their own images for the assortment learn experience, we’ve built a new dashboard where you can host those images. Quickly drag and drop any image file and add those experiences. Site admin can also share image assets with sales reps that will appear on the assets dashboard.

Enhancement to Assortment Campaigns

We’ve added the ability to start assortment campaigns by using a time selection. Want that assortment to get to the customer tomorrow at 9:00am? Now, that’s no problem.

Follow-through on unopened email functionality

Stay on top of your customer’s interactions with the content you share. On the activity and insights dashboard you can now click on the unopened assortment campaign metric. This takes you straight to the assortment campaign tab with a new filter applied that displays only those campaigns with unopened emails.

 ...and for the site admins:

Monumental showroom updates

We are super excited to release the incredible updates to how showrooms are built and displayed:

  • Multiple showrooms: Now you can create multiple showrooms tailored with unique messaging and content. Create showrooms focused on seasons, or product launches, or trade shows, and link across each of them.
  • Showroom Edit dashboard: Building showrooms has gotten simple. Envoy now has a new showroom edit dashboard. Our new WYSIWYG* editor allows you to create the layout on the page exactly how it will be viewed from the user perspective. Easily drag templates around the page to get the best look. And, there are now 9 new templates available to build the showroom with.
    *What You See Is What You Get


Ability to manage asset publishing using tags

Locate and apply assets quickly using tags. We’ve added the ability to manage and share assets by tags. Adding tags to your content allows you to keep assets categorized for easy retrieval. Also, you can allow reps access to assets that have a specific tag. Want to share those fall/winter 2020 images with your reps to use in their assortment experience? No problem. Your reps will see them on their Assets dashboard.

Ability to pay for shipping

Now add shipping costs to the order. Envoy has added the ability to add shipping costs to an order. Whether by weight, price, or quantity, admin can create many ship options to be selected when creating an order, and applied upon submission. Works great when utilizing pay now within Envoy.

Pay now within Core and Stitch Labs environments

Reduce the time to cash by implementing the pay now feature.  Envoy has built the option to pay for an order upon submission. In conjunction with the new shipping costs feature, customers can now apply shipping to their order and pay using a credit card or Automated Clearing House forms of payment.


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