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Charting a successful season can be difficult. Brands need to be nimble, reacting to trends and demands during the season in order to build on success. So how can your brand capitalize on seasonal trends? How can you ensure you provide retail partners with impactful resources all season long? How can you effectively navigate the ebbs and flows of a season?

The answer is that you can’t - unless you have access to the right data. You need strong analytics to understand your season and tune it for success. The solution is Activity & Insights, a critical tool for brands looking to understand their season and fuel continued growth.

Activity & Insights gives you a window into the behavior of your retailers. Easily look at key analytics for the season in a real time feed of customer engagement with the platform. Top content, top customer, showroom views, order volume - all this data can be viewed, in real time, over any date range. It’s essential data for every brand.


You can also use Activity & Insights to digitally enable your reps for stronger performance in the field.

We’ve made Activity & Insights part of the main dashboard that reps arrive at when logging into Envoy B2B. By combining the info they get out of these analytics with our powerful content and commerce tools, reps can deliver stronger recommendations and trusted guidance to their retail accounts. 

Activity & Insights is just one Envoy B2B's many powerful tools focused on propelling the growth of your brand season after season. Interested in learning more about how Envoy B2B can streamline your wholesale channel, deliver sustainable go-to-market tools, and digitally enable your reps? Sign up for a demo!

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