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We’ve spent the last decade helping brands build their wholesale B2B channels. Over those 10 years, we’ve spent a lot of time implementing the Envoy B2B platform inside of all kinds of organizations, from big enterprise brands, to small first-timers. And we’ve learned a lot about how to make the process smooth and successful.

Often, we find that brands are hesitant about the implementation process, fearing any disruption it will bring. Luckily, while standing up a new system for your wholesale channels is certainly a big job, we’ve built a system that makes the whole affair smooth and clear.

And we put all that know-how into our free, downloadable guide to help your brand transition with ease.

Let’s take a high-level look at what we cover, and then you can download the guide for the full course.

Part 1: Getting Buy In From Your Team

Whether you're brand new to the wholesale B2B game, or you’ve built a channel already and are looking to modernize and grow, looking at a B2B solution is often where you’re going to start. 

But that means you’re going to run into a lot of unknowns, question marks, and even internal push back. That’s normal. We tackle the 3 biggest objections most brands run into, and how to overcome them.

Part 2: Finding The Right Time To Upgrade

Does this sound familiar? “We don’t have time to implement a new system right now because we’re so busy getting ready for the season.” Most brands in the footwear and apparel industry are heavily influenced by the seasonal nature of their business. That can make it tough to find a good time to implement new technology. Or maybe you're just growing so fast you can’t keep up. Regardless, it’s easy to feel like you just don’t have the time.

Here’s the secret: It’s not about when, it’s about how. In this guide we break down the why how you implement is more important than when. Because if you’re not on a modern, wholesale forward B2B system, then the right time to upgrade is now.

Part 3: Prepping Your Brand For A New B2B System

Modernizing your wholesale strategy with a better B2B will have a tremendous impact on your business. The possibilities for growth are tremendous. But, you’re probably anxious about the impact the actual process will have on your brand team and its focus. 

We can help ease that transition a bit. We’ve been around the block a few times, standing brands up on our Envoy B2B platform, and we’ve learned a lot on how to do it quickly, efficiently, and correctly.

In the third section of our free guide we cover some best practices on how to organize your team and keep the process moving forward.


If your brand is thinking about switching to a more modern B2B, or you’ve finally hit that tipping point and you’re growing so fast that you need to stand up your first wholesale B2B destination for your retailers, you need this guide. It’s everything your brand needs to know to get started thinking about how to make that transition as smooth as possible, with minimal disruption.

Download our free guide now!